Sunday, January 13, 2013

Acquaintance Application

Do you have a morbid sense of humor?

Do you speak you're mind?

Are you able to form your own opinion & stick to it?

Do you 420? If not, got a problem with it?

Can you comprehend & discuss politics & a plethora of other deep rooted ideas?

Are you not plastic? Fake? Conniving?

Can you keep ya mouth shut, regardless?

A good listener?

Do you like to go to the shooting range?

Debate metaphysics? Philosophy? Theology? Politics? Psuedoscience? Stocks, bonds, commodities? Anything?

Do you enjoy expressing yourself through all forms of art?

Do you read books other than novels?

Like nery shit. However nerdy or geeky other may think?

Do you have a business mind yet street mentality; when needed?

Do you get irritated by dumb people & shit?

Do you even read?

Don't believe or trust everything you see or hear?

Open minded?

Then maybe we could be associates at the least..........

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seven Virtues of Finesse & The Seven Erotic Stations

Many equate the word 'courtesan' with 'prostitute'; that is far from the truth; regarding your definition of prostitute is the same as mine. For me, a courtesan seems more like a 'kept woman'. Yes, they would receive illustrious & affluent gifts, immaculate homes & properties, as well as numerous lovers. Yet, they were bound to no one man unless it was of their own choice. During their 'reign', they were not looked down upon. It was mostly other women (either married or betrothed) that had a problem with them in the public eye; but behind closed doors & curtains those very same women would call upon them for their knowledge; to receive 'education'. Such the irony!
I always looked at them as icons. During a time when women were revered as little more than cattle; they took the world by the balls & yanked! Most began as girls from vagabond, abusive, or even promiscuous backgrounds. Yet, they would use what they had to get what they want. ••NOWADAYS, THEY GIVE WHAT THEY HAVE FOR PROMISES OF WANTS.•• Oh, how times have changed but, yet, have stayed the same.
So, I have decided to give the cliff notes to the book: "The Book of the Courtesans" by Susan Griffin. It tells of the lives of many prominent courtesans throughout history, their journeys, & some quotes. The main thesis of the book was to highlight what made the courtesans so desirable. By men & women. Thus, assisting today's women to be aware of these forgotten virtues & stations; & how to put them to use. Now, their secrets are being revealed. I am hoping that somebody will not only read this but, also, learn & utilize the information. Female or male!
Virtue #1:TIMING - having good timing & rhythm in manner with the opposite sex; regarding all aspects.
Erotic Station #1: FLIRTATION - it speaks for itself; what timing is best used for.
Virtue #2: BEAUTY - understanding that beauty is not only natural; but can also be created.
Erotic Station #2 - SUGGESTION - the act of CREATING visual effects.
Virtue #3 - CHEEK - a blending of bravado (bravery) & insolence (ability to be insulting in manner of speech).
Erotic Station #3 - AROUSAL - no brainer! Making yourself desirable.
Virtue #4 - BRILLIANCE- the relation between intelligence, reflection, & luminosity (enlightening, illustrious).
Erotic Station #4 - SEDUCTION - another one that speaks for itself.
Virtue #5 - GAEITY (JOIE DE VIVRE) - having a good time. Easier said than done.
Erotic Station #5 - RAPTURE - combining innocence with cleverness & guile (cunning, deception).
Virtue #6 - GRACE - moving with seduction.
Erotic Station #6 - SATIETY (to satisfy one's appetite or desire to the point of boredom) - the ability to create longing & anticipation.
Virtue #7 - CHARM - the ability to enchant & please (not just sexual!).
Erotic Station #7 - AFTERGLOW - being on the person's mind. Whether it is seconds or decades after encountering you.
Pay close attention to these virtues & stations. I feel as if I'm sharing a secret with you. I hope you utilize my knowledge!

Friday, January 11, 2013

7 Levels of Reflective Thinking

Stage 1
Knowledge is assumed to exist absolutely land concretely. It can be obtained with absolute certainty through direct observation.

Beliefs need no justification since there is assumed to be an absolute correspondence between what is believed and what is true. Alternative beliefs are not recognized.

A person knows that she or he has observed. Facts and judgments are not differentiated.

"I know what I have seen."

Stage 2
Knowledge is assumed to be absolutely certain or certain but not immediately available. Knowledge can be obtained directly through the senses (as in direct observation) or via authority figures.

Beliefs are unexamined and unjustified or justified by their correspondence with the beliefs of an authority figure (such as a teacher or parent). Most issues are assumed to have a right answer, so there is little or no conflict in making decisions about disputed issues.

Authorities and facts are related. authority figures are sources of fact and, therefore, of truth.

"If it is on the news, it has to be true."

Stage 3
Knowledge is assumed to be absolutely certain or temporarily uncertain. In areas of temporary uncertainty, only personal beliefs can be known until absolute knowledge is obtained. In areas of absolute certainty, knowledge is obtained from authorities.

In areas in which certain answers exist, beliefs are justified by reference to authorities' views. In areas in which answers do not exist, beliefs are defended as personal opinion since the link between evidence and beliefs is unclear.

Absolute answers are assumed to exist, but to be temporarily inaccessible. In the absence of absolute truth, facts and personal beliefs are seen as equally valid.

"When there is evidence that people can give to convince everybody one way or another, then it will be knowledge; until then, it's just a guess."

Stage 4
Knowledge is uncertain and knowledge claims are idiosyncratic to the individual because of situational variables (e.g., incorrect reporting of data, data lost over time, or disparities in access to information; these factors dictate that any knowledge claim contains an element of uncertainty.

Evidence is now seen as important to the construction of knowledge claims, along with the acknowledgment that a belief cannot be known with absolute certainty for pragmatic reasons. thus, knowledge claims are idiosyncratic to the individual.

"I'd be more including to believe evolution if they had proof. It's just like the pyramids: I don't think we'll ever know. Who are you going to ask? No one was there."

Since there is no source of certainty for one's beliefs, beliefs are justified by giving reasons that are often idiosyncratic, such as choosing evidence that fits an established belief.

Types of evidence are differentiated within perspectives (e.g., historical or scientific evidence). Further, different rules of inquiry across perspectives or disciplines are recognized. Quality of evidence is also evaluated as strong/weak, relevant/irrelevant, etc. Evidence is not an end in itself, but is used to construct interpretations.

Beliefs are justified within a particular context using the rules of inquiry for that contest, with the understanding that justification is context-specific or that beliefs are balanced against each other. Each approach has the effect of complicating and delaying judgments.

"People think differently and so they attack the problem differently. Other theories could be as true as my own, but based on different evidence."

Stage 5
Knowledge is seen as contextual and subjective. Since it is filtered through a person's perceptions and criteria for judgment, only interpretations of evidence may be known.

Types of evidence are differentiated within perspectives (e.g., historical or scientific evidence). Further, different rules of inquiry across perspectives or disciplines are recognized. Quality of evidence is also evaluated as strong/weak, relevant/irrelevant, etc. Evidence is not an end in itself, but is used to construct interpretations.

Beliefs are justified within a particular context using the rules of inquiry for that contest, with the understanding that justification is context-specific or that beliefs are balanced against each other. Each approach has the effect of complicating and delaying judgments.

"People think differently and so they attack the problem differently. Other theories could be as true as my own, but based on different evidence."

Stage 6
Generalized rules of inquiry may be applied across perspective (e.g., the weight of the argument, likelihood of the conclusion being correct, acknowledgment that judgments are tentative). Interpretations are subject to critique and dogmatic for coherency, consistency with the evidence, explanatory power, etc.

Beliefs are justified by comparing evidence and opinion on different sides of an issue or across contexts, and by constructing solutions that are evaluated by personally-endorsed criteria, such as one's personal values or the pragmatic need for action.

"It's very difficult in this life to be sure. There are degrees of sureness. You come to a point at which you are sure enough for a personal stance on an issue."

Stage 7
Judgments are seen as the outcome of a process of rational inquiry; they are based on a variety of interpretive considerations (e.g., the explanatory value of the interpretations, the risks of an erroneous conclusion, consequences of alternative judgments) and the interrelationships of these factors.

Knowledge is constructed using the process of reasonable inquiry for constructing a well-informed understanding of the problem at hand.

Beliefs are justified probabilistically using evidence and arguments; conclusions are defended as representing the most complete, most compelling, or most plausible understanding of an issue available to date, based on the current evidence.

"One can judge arguments by how well thought out the positions are, what kinds of reasoning and evidence are used to support it, and how consistent the way one argues on this topic is as compared with other topics."




Thursday, January 10, 2013

ME: a poem

I'm illuminated but at no degree
if I was to choose a number it'll be higher than 33
my third eye's open strapped with a spiritual sheath
I watch the tube but fnords don't get to me
see knowledge above all is more my taste
you know a mind's a terrible thing to waste
I stay on cloud 9 no need to lace
& when I burn the tree its always to the face
a lotta ya'll mufuckas don't really like me
could give a fuck too multidimensional; no DMT
I think there's too much adrenochrome inside of me
you mundanes are blind; the unseen's insight to me
known as a pagan & bruja; you know a witch
but I'm more of open minded, uncouth bitch
that's too busy to watch you; tryin to get rich
cuz at the top of the pyramid is where I sit
laughin at the ignorant; ya'll funny to me
sometimes I wonder why I pay DIRECTV
hilariously laughin cuz you really think that you're free
hypnotized by MTV, VH1, & BET
illuminatin & imitating ya favorite idol
not realizin that you are your only rival
everybody & they momma wants a fuckin title
go hard cuz only a few can make it to the finals
I was slipped the red pill instead of the blue
its all about knowledge, baby; no SOO-WOO
neva needed a gang; that's the definite truth
& I ain't even write this for the fuckin booth
just lettin it be known who I be & that I stands alone
I'm the Queen of my colony not a fuckin drone
no need to prove it cuz the shit is shown
I'm the prototype; go 'head be anotha clone.......

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WTF? Will 2013 Be Known As The Year Of The Ratchet?

Okay, I am addicted. In the the immortal words of Pookie from the movie 'New Jack City', "I tried to kick it...but that shit just be callin' me man, it be callin' me, man... I just got to go to it!" I know that I am not the only one. I can't be. We all have a guilty pleasure or three. I'm just willing to admit that one of mines is reality television.  I have a love/hate relationship with every single one that I watch. I am addicted to the ratchetness and so is the rest of America. There, I said it! Prove me wrong!

People tend to apply the label "ratchetness" to certain races or socio-economic statuses but we all have a little bit of ratchetness in us. No one is safe from a ratchet display. Each and every one of us has been or has done something that would qualify as ratchet. Multimedia has picked up on it and are monopolizing and capitalizing on it. Yet, we, as a society are looked down upon for any uncouth behavior that we may exhibit. Not to mention that no one is willing to admit that they are watching these shows. How can ratchet be the new pop culture entertainment genre, if I am the only person watching? My great-grandmother would always say, " monkey can't run a whole show...". Makes sense to me.

Now, every single channel has some form of debauchery; especially, in the form of reality television. Regardless of its venue, you are able to detect "ratchet". Fights, openly overt sexuality & any other negative display of behavior is paraded in front of the masses as entertainment; and that it can be. I must admit that I am equally enthralled as I am devastated. Like any other mess that is presented in front of you, you can't look away even if you want to.

Many of these shows have a predominantly female cast. Allowing you to observe a plethora of personalities and how they can (or can not) interact amongst themselves or other groups of women. We get a chance to view our very own selves in each woman presented and whether you want to admit it or not, we live for the drama. Yes, baby, the drama. Whether the drama is the fashion, lifestyle, quarrels, disagreements or the like, we live for it. My DVR is testimony and I bet that mines is not the only one.

So, as we are ringing in this new year, I am awaiting the clone colony to follow these ratchet behaviors. It has already begun. This year will take things to a different level. I will try to keep my "inner ratchet" at bay as much as I can but I make no promises. I suggest that you try and do the same. Big emphasis on try.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me - A poem

Little girl...yes, you little your eyes.
Know that you are more than what's between your thighs.
Know that you are more than just your size.
See beyond the deception and the lies.
It can never be too late to realize
what you are worth in your own eyes.
Or be faced with your own surmise.
Self destruction is where we succeed without tries.
And, boy, how quickly time flies
As you deplete your esteem and swallow the lies
That were fed to you and were sweet like pies.
Yet, a bitter taste will soon arise
Stagnant; regardless of tries.
Creating a hole of magnitude size.
Feeling low with self each continuous buys.
This is where ego and spirit collide.
This is where ego and spirit must divide.
And I don't consider myself any type of guide but
Look in the mirror; that's all I'd advise.