Many equate the word 'courtesan' with 'prostitute'; that is far from the truth; regarding your definition of prostitute is the same as mine. For me, a courtesan seems more like a 'kept woman'. Yes, they would receive illustrious & affluent gifts, immaculate homes & properties, as well as numerous lovers. Yet, they were bound to no one man unless it was of their own choice. During their 'reign', they were not looked down upon. It was mostly other women (either married or betrothed) that had a problem with them in the public eye; but behind closed doors & curtains those very same women would call upon them for their knowledge; to receive 'education'. Such the irony!
I always looked at them as icons. During a time when women were revered as little more than cattle; they took the world by the balls & yanked! Most began as girls from vagabond, abusive, or even promiscuous backgrounds. Yet, they would use what they had to get what they want. ••NOWADAYS, THEY GIVE WHAT THEY HAVE FOR PROMISES OF WANTS.•• Oh, how times have changed but, yet, have stayed the same.
So, I have decided to give the cliff notes to the book: "The Book of the Courtesans" by Susan Griffin. It tells of the lives of many prominent courtesans throughout history, their journeys, & some quotes. The main thesis of the book was to highlight what made the courtesans so desirable. By men & women. Thus, assisting today's women to be aware of these forgotten virtues & stations; & how to put them to use. Now, their secrets are being revealed. I am hoping that somebody will not only read this but, also, learn & utilize the information. Female or male!
Virtue #1:TIMING - having good timing & rhythm in manner with the opposite sex; regarding all aspects.
Erotic Station #1: FLIRTATION - it speaks for itself; what timing is best used for.
Virtue #2: BEAUTY - understanding that beauty is not only natural; but can also be created.
Erotic Station #2 - SUGGESTION - the act of CREATING visual effects.
Virtue #3 - CHEEK - a blending of bravado (bravery) & insolence (ability to be insulting in manner of speech).
Erotic Station #3 - AROUSAL - no brainer! Making yourself desirable.
Virtue #4 - BRILLIANCE- the relation between intelligence, reflection, & luminosity (enlightening, illustrious).
Erotic Station #4 - SEDUCTION - another one that speaks for itself.
Virtue #5 - GAEITY (JOIE DE VIVRE) - having a good time. Easier said than done.
Erotic Station #5 - RAPTURE - combining innocence with cleverness & guile (cunning, deception).
Virtue #6 - GRACE - moving with seduction.
Erotic Station #6 - SATIETY (to satisfy one's appetite or desire to the point of boredom) - the ability to create longing & anticipation.
Virtue #7 - CHARM - the ability to enchant & please (not just sexual!).
Erotic Station #7 - AFTERGLOW - being on the person's mind. Whether it is seconds or decades after encountering you.
Pay close attention to these virtues & stations. I feel as if I'm sharing a secret with you. I hope you utilize my knowledge!
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