Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My View Of 2013 In Review

2013 was 'The Year Of The Ratchet'. The things that were "in":

 Doing nothing was the "it" thing(Bum ass folks were all the rage!)

 Twerking was the prominent.       dance craze(Thanks to Big Freedia, not Miley!)

 Skittle-colored hair was the rage (Every race, color, & creed gave it a try!)

 Camel toes were everywhere (Thanks to leggings!)

    Side ho's were on the come up & winning(Self explanatory)

 Gimmick songs & people were the norm(Gimmicks were the come-up)

 Recycled music video themes(Can we get some originality, please?!)

 Year Of The Social Network Meme(Memes speak our deepest feelings, huh?)

 Alien-based shows are popular TV viewing(What are they trying to tell us?)

 Scandals were in; no Kerry Washington(& I do mean scandals, baby!)

 2 Chianz was everywhere (Every- damn-where!)

 Nicki Minaj was everywhere (Every-damn-where!)

 Mike Will Made It All (He did! Check your playlist!)

 Nick Cannon's on every channel (You already know he is!)

    JT wins the blue-eyed soul-off beating RT & Drake (JT ain't going nowhere! He's just getting started!)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Color Line Is Being Erased

I love reading controversy. Especially, those intended to be erased from history. Many refuse to discuss the eras of indentured servitude and slavery that has stained the history books; even though the chapters regarding are miniscule in comparison to other points in history. We, as a people, are ashamed. Yet, we brush these travesties off as mere tales. Understand, they are very much a part of you and I.
Today, the advancement of technology has allowed us to get a glance into our very own heritage via DNA. The lowering cost of testing has allowed for us to get a grip of our own lineage. Many have elected to participate for the sole idea of knowledge and have made confusing discoveries. Due to the eras, many have discovered that their ancestry has been greatly exaggerated. Some of us have been reared to believe the fallacies bestowed upon us by word-of-mouth. Many of us have come to believe that we were of a certain heritage but have been proven wrong since the beginning of genetic testing. Those who were told that they were of Latin, European, or some other Caucasoid race have discovered a large percentage of African heritage flowing through their veins. Some have been brought up to believe that they are of Native American lineage but, in all actuality, Asian lineage has been discovered. As well as those who believed that they are of European lineage have found that they are, in fact, a larger percentage of African lineage; at times more prevalent than originally discussed within the confines of their family dynamics.
Essays on the U.S. Color Line » Blog Archive » The Invention of the Color Line: 1691

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Questions That I Have About Standards

How can you have high standards, when you have nothing?

How can you be too good to catch the city bus but you have no vehicle or refuse to offer others gas fare?

How can you be hungry but too good to eat what is offered to you?

How can you not eat for three days but be too good to go to a community center or church to feed the disadvantaged?

How can you have no food and no finances coming anytime soon but be too good to go to the food bank?

How can you barely live paycheck to paycheck but be too good to apply for food stamps?

How can you have no home or cannot find one within your income level but too good to apply for subsidized housing, Section 8, or any other related program?

How can you move hell and high water to purchase those new kicks every one's dying for but your child (or children) are in a pair of low grade shoes from seasons' past?

How can you make a hair appointments but your child looks like Buckwheat all the time?

How can you have money but let your innocent child go without?

How can you be a five (physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or financially) and think that you deserve a ten?

How can you make astronomically irresponsible car payments but have no home of your own (either rent or own) but refuse to pay rent where you live or choose to live to sofa to sofa?

How can everyday be a party but you have no finances to fund to fun?

How can you waste money on trivialities but refuse to save for a rainy day?

How can you create a problem but expect someone else to worry about or solve it for you?

How can you look your child in the eye but blame another for your quandaries and mismanagement of finances?

How can you live for today when your children and grandchildren will be here tomorrow?

Monday, March 11, 2013

In Honor Of The Notorious B.I.G....

I live by a code. A simple code; nonetheless. I feel that every relationship - regardless of with whom it may be with- should be governed by rules, regulations, bouundaries, and limitations. At least, that's my motto. No, it's not Y.O.L.O. Yet, when it comes to everyone else; who knows what their motto is? I can't tell. The things that are going on in the world, today, have me baffled. These governing rules of society and its subgenres only seem to be respected by only a few. In some instances, those that are old enough to remember, understand, and respect the unwritten rules are not showing any respect for them, either. I understand that there may be far too many rules to keep up with; so today we will go easy and focus on a certain set of rules gifted to us from the infamous Notorious B.I.G.

Upon the anniversary of his death, I couldn't help but reflect on his stanzas were influential to me and how his lessons through prose resonated with my impressionable self. I am the eldest sibling and, like many fans, his tales and wordsmithing would play a pivotal part in my learning processes. He, like many rappers, would become very much apart of my upbringing; unbeknownst to them they were viewed as my older brothers. I enjoyed every lesson that was delivered. Like all lessons, I soak them up like a sponge and use them accordingly. Now, that's game.

The rules that I reference to are from a track on his second and final studio album on Bad Boy Records entitled Life After Death. The track that I am reffering to is called, 'The Ten Crack Commandments'. The album was released posthumously on March 25, 1997; 16 days after his death and was accepted with extreme praise by both underground and commercial hip hop heads alike. I remember the excitement of the release of the CD. It was being released after his death and the streets couldn't wait for it to hit. The excitement was due, in large part, to the urge to try to understand where his head was at because there would be no chance for MTV, BET, or any other interviews to ask him. Secondly, a double CD of the B.I.G.'s clean delivery, wit, and wordplay was like a gift from the hip hop gods. I, also, remember that many people had to purchase the CD numerous times due to it coming up missing. I admit that I bought it, had it stolen from me, stole it from someone else, that one was stolen from me, I had to buy another copy, and the saga went on and on. We would not understand the concept of an ipod or MP4 player; that would be considered alien technology. It WAS the nineties.

Listed as number five on the second disc of the compilation, it grabbed the attention of everyone; even those that did not distribute the narcotic. Though the song was directed to the drug affliated world, it could just as well be applied to the business world or the world; in general. Even though my life is far from drug-filled and it is far from the nineties, I still can apply the majority of these "commandments" -if not all- to many aspects of my daily life. You, too, can learn a lesson from Biggie; even if you did not have the pleasure of experiencing him during his era as I have. Hell, you can learn a lot from the music from that era because there were stories to be told and lessons to be taught. We'll save that subject for a future blog entry. So, I give you the condensed version of 'The Ten Crack Commandments' and a sort of translation for those unaware:


Number 1: Never let no one know how much dough you hold, 'cause you know the cheddar breed jealousy 'specially if that man fucked up, get your ass stuck up.

Translation: Keep your finances to yourself because many will envy you because of it and will do anything to take it or prevent it.

Number 2: Never let 'em know your next move; don't you know Bad Boys move in silence or violence. Take it from your highness. I done squeezed mad clips at these cats for they bricks and chips.

Translation: Keep your schedule and whereabouts to yourself because it makes it easier to keep yourself in harm's way.

Number 3: Never trust nobody. Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up, hoodie to mask up, shit, for that fast buck. She be layin' in the bushes to light that ass up.

Translation: Trust no one because trust is not a given.

Number 4: Know you heard this before: never get high, on your own supply.

Translation: Whatever products you sell or services that you operate should never be taken advantage by you.

Number 5: Never sell no crack where you rest at. I don't care if they want a ounce, tell em bounce.

Translation: Business should be conducted in a proper setting or in the immortal words of my uncle: You never shit where you eat!

Number 6: That god damn credit, dead it. You think a crackhead payin you back, shit, forget it.

Translation: Credit and loans from you to others will not help you in the future. Most people try to forget their debts. Banks and financial institutions have stopped and so should you.

Number 7: This rule is so underrated: keep your family and business completely seperated. Money and blood don't mix like two dicks and no bitch: find yourself in serious shit.

Transation: Business and personal life should be kept seperated. Due to the close relationship with the other party, conflicts of interest will always arise.

Number 8: Never keep no weight on you. Them cats that squeeze your guns can hold jobs too.

Translation: Having large amounts of cash on you, spending large amounts in public forums, flashing expensive items, etc. will always make the envious pay attention to you; making for an easy target.

Number 9: Shoulda been number, to me: if you ain't gettin bags stay the fuck from police. If niggaz think you snitchin they ain't tryin listen. They be sittin in your kitchen, waitin to start hittin.

Translation: Unless you are a politician or high ranking community member, keep a "when needed" relationship with the police. If people think that you talk too much they will not have too much conversation or even a business relationship with you.

Number 10: A strong word called consignment; strictly for live men, not for freshmen. If you ain't got the clientele say, "Hell no", 'cause they gon want they money rain, sleet, hail, snow.

Translation: Once again, we are discussing credit. Not the giving of credit but being on the receiving end. If someone wants to finance your business venture, you need to make sure that your plan is precise because investors want their money; regardless if the idea was a success or not.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Being A Housewife Is Work; At Least, For Me It Is

I would love to work a decent nine to five, again. I have worked jobs here and there but nothing lucrative. I have tried to start businesses but, as of yet, nothing has been truly successful. The only thing that I seem to be successful at is taking care of people. I was a single mother of three and then, became a wife and stepmother of four as well. Dropping off and picking up children from school, maintaining a sanitary home, attending appointments, cooking meals everyday, and all that comes with the basic necessities of maintaining life tend to take up a majority of my time and can become stressful. Yet, when you have a partner that has medical issues, your stress levels have the tendency to be extremely unbalanced. To have to maintain some sort of balance for everyone while dealing with these issues can be a challenge. It has been a challenge. Believe me.

From the very first time that my partner had an acute attack, I have been there with him. To see a grown man convulsing, vomiting, and crying from severe abdominal pain is heart wrenching. I learned that he has been dealing with this sort of pain since the age of sixteen and over the years the pain has worsened. His personal doctor, emergency room doctors, and family all believed that he suffered from an extreme case of IBS. Being the person that lived with him and a research nut, I begged to differ. The symptoms are similar but there are far more differences than similarities.

I began to notice the different triggers that would produce an attack, whether severe or minor. Believe it or not, only about a third of the triggers for his pain are food related. The others being his prescriptions and any type of stress; whether it is his or someone else's. These triggers have caused many emergency room visits and hospital stays. His other medical issues have prevented an earlier diagnosis for his stomach pain. Yet, as time went on, I have noticed that part of the misdiagnoses were due to a combination of factors:

1) Emergency Room Prejudice: Due to the constant influx of patients into the emergency room, many patients are labeled, stereotyped, and put into categories of importance. Hospitals will deny this but with as many emergency room visits and hospital stays that we have had to deal with, you begin to learn the system. Keep in mind that the majority of the doctor's that are in the emergency room are interns and medical students with very few seasoned, experienced doctors in that department. That is why you are admitted, so that a doctor that is within the hospital that has expertise in your particular condition can rightfully assess your condition. Hopefully.

2) Lack Of A Support System: Once again, stereotypes and prejudices come into play. During a visit to the emergency room, many are in severe pain or even incoherent and are not able to to speak for or speak up for themselves. That is why it is important for someone to be there to answer the volatile questions that could better assess a patient's condition. If not, many are put into the proverbial box or not treated as they should.

3) Need For Compassion In Compassionate Care Setting: The time crunch within this setting allows for prejudices to come to play. Those in pain are labeled drug addicts that come to get a fix. Even if there is evidence to the contrary. That becomes easier and time efficient rather than asking the deeper questions. Those that are incoherent are labeled high, crazy, pushed to the side, or just discharged because there is a need for a bed. We, too, have witnessed and have been subjected to this.

4) Doctors' Ego: We have come across some real assholes within the medical profession. I have truly witnessed the God complex first hand on numerous occasions. You are taught that the doctor would have a listening ear and assess your situation accordingly. That is not always the case. Some medical professionals tend to let ego get in the way of their profession. During these thirteen years of our relationship, I have done my own research along side of all of this. Determined to prove that his illness was not a Somatoform Pain Disorder. I decided to go to doctor's appointments with him and began suggesting a battery of tests. Only within the past few years have these tests been actually referred. Only at the doctor's request, of course. As long as we are getting closer to the truth, prognosis, and solutions. That is all we want.

5) Budget Cuts: My favorite! As we already know, budget cuts ruin everything. The cutting of corners always has a negative side to it. Whether it is at your house or the White House, they are very much apart of everyday operation and survival. It is just what it is: a bigger fish to fry.

So, it seems that we are finally getting to a diagnosis for his abdominal pain. It is appearing to be a porphyria. If so, this is a double edged sword. We will be grateful for an actual diagnosis; as well as a sad because there is no cure for it. There is to be diet and stress management but the pain aspect of this condition is inevitable. Porphyrins have been detected in his urine on a couple of occasions. Now we have to set up more tests to find out which porphyria he actually has. All the while he is dealing with congestive heart failure, a mitral valve replacement six years ago, and an upcoming aortic valve replacement within the few weeks, and all of the possible stress and depressions that he goes through as a result. Believe me, this is constant.

As we await the actual date of his surgery, I can see the depression fade in and out. I can only imagine what he can be going through, mentally. He tends to internalize his stress and anger; in which causes him to misdirect those very emotions instead of dealing with them head on. This has a negative influence rather than a positive one on him and all that are involved; all the while he is unaware that it causes the very symptoms that instigates an acute attack. He sleeps for over twelve hours everyday; in which causes him to miss out on life; in general. I don't know if all of his fatigue's due to his physical or mental health. I can only imagine but am pretty sure that his very own mortality must come to mind constantly. He admits that he stresses too much over his adult children. He has acknowledged that he longs for the same closeness that was shared when his children were younger. He doesn't seem to realize that they are adults with families and that they are taking advantage of his kindness. He will take the closeness any way that he can; even if he hurts after. He just wants someone to call him with general concern rather than a general need. He doesn't realize that he is abusing himself by neglecting himself. He just wants to prevent the world from hurting them without realizing that they must learn to adjust to life without his assistance. I try to be as much of a support system as I can be through all of this, even though I am constantly stressed by it all and the fact that all of this requires me to give 175% because he can only give 25%. Yet, somehow he feels that I can give more. People whose opinions don't matter think that I should be doing more. I can't. What would be left for myself and where the hell are they when the going gets tough?

I have been through the issues of single parenthood, blended families, raising children and so much more. All the while putting my dreams, aspirations, and goals on hold. I couldn't be selfish and put myself first. It wouldn't be fair. Yet, whenever I plan anything, his illnesses and disorders become the main focal point in our lives. It is just the way things have been. I hope this surgery, this diagnosis, and a little therapy will do him just fine. The next objective is to get him to even see someone. Five children are out of the house, two more to go and there's a gang of grandchildren to live to see grow up. I just want him to conjure up the will to live.

Believe it or not, the things that I want out of life are very much important to me. I have numerous entrepreneurial ideas that would be lucrative for the community as a whole; as well as myself . I write every now and then and have been told that it is something that I should pursue. To balance my qi, I dabble in art that I have began to display around my house and have been complemented on. I, also, am an excellent cook that tends to be successfully experimental in the kitchen. All the while, dealing with my own OCD and a bunch of forgotten acronyms. I have this under control. I play my position well. I may not get paid for being the mother, wife, lover, chauffeur, cook, laundress, maid, nurse, therapist, maintenance, inventory specialist, janitor, housekeeper, IT specialist, hostess, party planner, personal assistant, stylist, interior designer, interior decorator, encyclopedia, dictionary, and psychic medium; just to name a few. Add synesthete (more here, here, here, and here), intuitive empath (more here and here), artist, future author and entrepreneur to that list and it should sound about right. Now, if this is not work, I don't know what is.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Poem

Sitting idly as my people lose all decorum,
Faith, and hope while awaiting the NOVUS SECLORUM.
Using ALL available resources for my forum.
I leave meaningful posts but you'll just ignore 'em.
You should store 'em. Instead, you just let them pass.
You need to learn something to get you off of your ass,
So, that life doesn't leave you as it pasts.


A Lesson In Humility

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less" -Unknown

It's time to be honest with yourself for once in your life. Can you? Honestly? Then, there are questions that you need to ask yourself:

1. How do you feel about yourself? Be honest. Completely honest. I'm talking about the "you" that only you see and know. The person that you are when no one is around, looking at, or paying attention. That "you". Now, marinate on that question to get to the actual answer.

2. How do you talk about yourself to others? Are you a Debbie Downer, a Negative Nancy, Miss High And Might, a Sickly Sally, or a Wet Blanket? You are very much in control of how you are perceived. How you are perceived is how you are imprinted into the psyche of others. Their impression of you is always based on past actions.

3. How do you represent yourself to the world? Are you a user, an abuser, a complainer, a hustler, a workaholic, a slacker? If someone was to ask those closest to you to describe you; what would be said? Your representation of yourself can become a reality and it can depreciate your self worth. In which, will cause regrets, anger, and fear. These traits have the tendency to stall relationships.

The definition of self worth can be easily misconstrued. Self worth is actually your own feelings about your skills, achievements, status, finances, and/or attributes. Too many people base their self worth on the opinions and achievements of others. This can actually cause depression for you. There are individuals that believe that you can achieve a positive self worth and/or self esteem by acquiring, purchasing, accumulating, or false esteem boosters. This couldn't be farther from the truth. An over-inflated self esteem can actually make you miscalculate your self worth. That's where the honesty and humility come into play. You must accept your own abilities, as well as your limitations. Then, celebrate and embrace them. They are parts of you. The real you. The one people really would want to know. The one you will perceive in high regards and be proud of. That will give you a new sense of confidence and others will view you different; more positively. Healing, growing, maturing, and change will all start from within. You just have to want and achieve it.


Success takes hard work, sacrifices, and humility. Things that seem to be foreign in today's world.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Acquaintance Application

Do you have a morbid sense of humor?

Do you speak you're mind?

Are you able to form your own opinion & stick to it?

Do you 420? If not, got a problem with it?

Can you comprehend & discuss politics & a plethora of other deep rooted ideas?

Are you not plastic? Fake? Conniving?

Can you keep ya mouth shut, regardless?

A good listener?

Do you like to go to the shooting range?

Debate metaphysics? Philosophy? Theology? Politics? Psuedoscience? Stocks, bonds, commodities? Anything?

Do you enjoy expressing yourself through all forms of art?

Do you read books other than novels?

Like nery shit. However nerdy or geeky other may think?

Do you have a business mind yet street mentality; when needed?

Do you get irritated by dumb people & shit?

Do you even read?

Don't believe or trust everything you see or hear?

Open minded?

Then maybe we could be associates at the least..........

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seven Virtues of Finesse & The Seven Erotic Stations

Many equate the word 'courtesan' with 'prostitute'; that is far from the truth; regarding your definition of prostitute is the same as mine. For me, a courtesan seems more like a 'kept woman'. Yes, they would receive illustrious & affluent gifts, immaculate homes & properties, as well as numerous lovers. Yet, they were bound to no one man unless it was of their own choice. During their 'reign', they were not looked down upon. It was mostly other women (either married or betrothed) that had a problem with them in the public eye; but behind closed doors & curtains those very same women would call upon them for their knowledge; to receive 'education'. Such the irony!
I always looked at them as icons. During a time when women were revered as little more than cattle; they took the world by the balls & yanked! Most began as girls from vagabond, abusive, or even promiscuous backgrounds. Yet, they would use what they had to get what they want. ••NOWADAYS, THEY GIVE WHAT THEY HAVE FOR PROMISES OF WANTS.•• Oh, how times have changed but, yet, have stayed the same.
So, I have decided to give the cliff notes to the book: "The Book of the Courtesans" by Susan Griffin. It tells of the lives of many prominent courtesans throughout history, their journeys, & some quotes. The main thesis of the book was to highlight what made the courtesans so desirable. By men & women. Thus, assisting today's women to be aware of these forgotten virtues & stations; & how to put them to use. Now, their secrets are being revealed. I am hoping that somebody will not only read this but, also, learn & utilize the information. Female or male!
Virtue #1:TIMING - having good timing & rhythm in manner with the opposite sex; regarding all aspects.
Erotic Station #1: FLIRTATION - it speaks for itself; what timing is best used for.
Virtue #2: BEAUTY - understanding that beauty is not only natural; but can also be created.
Erotic Station #2 - SUGGESTION - the act of CREATING visual effects.
Virtue #3 - CHEEK - a blending of bravado (bravery) & insolence (ability to be insulting in manner of speech).
Erotic Station #3 - AROUSAL - no brainer! Making yourself desirable.
Virtue #4 - BRILLIANCE- the relation between intelligence, reflection, & luminosity (enlightening, illustrious).
Erotic Station #4 - SEDUCTION - another one that speaks for itself.
Virtue #5 - GAEITY (JOIE DE VIVRE) - having a good time. Easier said than done.
Erotic Station #5 - RAPTURE - combining innocence with cleverness & guile (cunning, deception).
Virtue #6 - GRACE - moving with seduction.
Erotic Station #6 - SATIETY (to satisfy one's appetite or desire to the point of boredom) - the ability to create longing & anticipation.
Virtue #7 - CHARM - the ability to enchant & please (not just sexual!).
Erotic Station #7 - AFTERGLOW - being on the person's mind. Whether it is seconds or decades after encountering you.
Pay close attention to these virtues & stations. I feel as if I'm sharing a secret with you. I hope you utilize my knowledge!

Friday, January 11, 2013

7 Levels of Reflective Thinking

Stage 1
Knowledge is assumed to exist absolutely land concretely. It can be obtained with absolute certainty through direct observation.

Beliefs need no justification since there is assumed to be an absolute correspondence between what is believed and what is true. Alternative beliefs are not recognized.

A person knows that she or he has observed. Facts and judgments are not differentiated.

"I know what I have seen."

Stage 2
Knowledge is assumed to be absolutely certain or certain but not immediately available. Knowledge can be obtained directly through the senses (as in direct observation) or via authority figures.

Beliefs are unexamined and unjustified or justified by their correspondence with the beliefs of an authority figure (such as a teacher or parent). Most issues are assumed to have a right answer, so there is little or no conflict in making decisions about disputed issues.

Authorities and facts are related. authority figures are sources of fact and, therefore, of truth.

"If it is on the news, it has to be true."

Stage 3
Knowledge is assumed to be absolutely certain or temporarily uncertain. In areas of temporary uncertainty, only personal beliefs can be known until absolute knowledge is obtained. In areas of absolute certainty, knowledge is obtained from authorities.

In areas in which certain answers exist, beliefs are justified by reference to authorities' views. In areas in which answers do not exist, beliefs are defended as personal opinion since the link between evidence and beliefs is unclear.

Absolute answers are assumed to exist, but to be temporarily inaccessible. In the absence of absolute truth, facts and personal beliefs are seen as equally valid.

"When there is evidence that people can give to convince everybody one way or another, then it will be knowledge; until then, it's just a guess."

Stage 4
Knowledge is uncertain and knowledge claims are idiosyncratic to the individual because of situational variables (e.g., incorrect reporting of data, data lost over time, or disparities in access to information; these factors dictate that any knowledge claim contains an element of uncertainty.

Evidence is now seen as important to the construction of knowledge claims, along with the acknowledgment that a belief cannot be known with absolute certainty for pragmatic reasons. thus, knowledge claims are idiosyncratic to the individual.

"I'd be more including to believe evolution if they had proof. It's just like the pyramids: I don't think we'll ever know. Who are you going to ask? No one was there."

Since there is no source of certainty for one's beliefs, beliefs are justified by giving reasons that are often idiosyncratic, such as choosing evidence that fits an established belief.

Types of evidence are differentiated within perspectives (e.g., historical or scientific evidence). Further, different rules of inquiry across perspectives or disciplines are recognized. Quality of evidence is also evaluated as strong/weak, relevant/irrelevant, etc. Evidence is not an end in itself, but is used to construct interpretations.

Beliefs are justified within a particular context using the rules of inquiry for that contest, with the understanding that justification is context-specific or that beliefs are balanced against each other. Each approach has the effect of complicating and delaying judgments.

"People think differently and so they attack the problem differently. Other theories could be as true as my own, but based on different evidence."

Stage 5
Knowledge is seen as contextual and subjective. Since it is filtered through a person's perceptions and criteria for judgment, only interpretations of evidence may be known.

Types of evidence are differentiated within perspectives (e.g., historical or scientific evidence). Further, different rules of inquiry across perspectives or disciplines are recognized. Quality of evidence is also evaluated as strong/weak, relevant/irrelevant, etc. Evidence is not an end in itself, but is used to construct interpretations.

Beliefs are justified within a particular context using the rules of inquiry for that contest, with the understanding that justification is context-specific or that beliefs are balanced against each other. Each approach has the effect of complicating and delaying judgments.

"People think differently and so they attack the problem differently. Other theories could be as true as my own, but based on different evidence."

Stage 6
Generalized rules of inquiry may be applied across perspective (e.g., the weight of the argument, likelihood of the conclusion being correct, acknowledgment that judgments are tentative). Interpretations are subject to critique and dogmatic for coherency, consistency with the evidence, explanatory power, etc.

Beliefs are justified by comparing evidence and opinion on different sides of an issue or across contexts, and by constructing solutions that are evaluated by personally-endorsed criteria, such as one's personal values or the pragmatic need for action.

"It's very difficult in this life to be sure. There are degrees of sureness. You come to a point at which you are sure enough for a personal stance on an issue."

Stage 7
Judgments are seen as the outcome of a process of rational inquiry; they are based on a variety of interpretive considerations (e.g., the explanatory value of the interpretations, the risks of an erroneous conclusion, consequences of alternative judgments) and the interrelationships of these factors.

Knowledge is constructed using the process of reasonable inquiry for constructing a well-informed understanding of the problem at hand.

Beliefs are justified probabilistically using evidence and arguments; conclusions are defended as representing the most complete, most compelling, or most plausible understanding of an issue available to date, based on the current evidence.

"One can judge arguments by how well thought out the positions are, what kinds of reasoning and evidence are used to support it, and how consistent the way one argues on this topic is as compared with other topics."

1. http://web.missouri.edu/~woodph/rjstages/rjstages.1.html

2. http://web.missouri.edu/~woodph/rjstages/rjstages.2.html

3. http://web.missouri.edu/~woodph/rjstages/rjstages.3.html

Thursday, January 10, 2013

ME: a poem

I'm illuminated but at no degree
if I was to choose a number it'll be higher than 33
my third eye's open strapped with a spiritual sheath
I watch the tube but fnords don't get to me
see knowledge above all is more my taste
you know a mind's a terrible thing to waste
I stay on cloud 9 no need to lace
& when I burn the tree its always to the face
a lotta ya'll mufuckas don't really like me
could give a fuck too multidimensional; no DMT
I think there's too much adrenochrome inside of me
you mundanes are blind; the unseen's insight to me
known as a pagan & bruja; you know a witch
but I'm more of open minded, uncouth bitch
that's too busy to watch you; tryin to get rich
cuz at the top of the pyramid is where I sit
laughin at the ignorant; ya'll funny to me
sometimes I wonder why I pay DIRECTV
hilariously laughin cuz you really think that you're free
hypnotized by MTV, VH1, & BET
illuminatin & imitating ya favorite idol
not realizin that you are your only rival
everybody & they momma wants a fuckin title
go hard cuz only a few can make it to the finals
I was slipped the red pill instead of the blue
its all about knowledge, baby; no SOO-WOO
neva needed a gang; that's the definite truth
& I ain't even write this for the fuckin booth
just lettin it be known who I be & that I stands alone
I'm the Queen of my colony not a fuckin drone
no need to prove it cuz the shit is shown
I'm the prototype; go 'head be anotha clone.......

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WTF? Will 2013 Be Known As The Year Of The Ratchet?

Okay, I am addicted. In the the immortal words of Pookie from the movie 'New Jack City', "I tried to kick it...but that shit just be callin' me man, it be callin' me, man... I just got to go to it!" I know that I am not the only one. I can't be. We all have a guilty pleasure or three. I'm just willing to admit that one of mines is reality television.  I have a love/hate relationship with every single one that I watch. I am addicted to the ratchetness and so is the rest of America. There, I said it! Prove me wrong!

People tend to apply the label "ratchetness" to certain races or socio-economic statuses but we all have a little bit of ratchetness in us. No one is safe from a ratchet display. Each and every one of us has been or has done something that would qualify as ratchet. Multimedia has picked up on it and are monopolizing and capitalizing on it. Yet, we, as a society are looked down upon for any uncouth behavior that we may exhibit. Not to mention that no one is willing to admit that they are watching these shows. How can ratchet be the new pop culture entertainment genre, if I am the only person watching? My great-grandmother would always say, "...one monkey can't run a whole show...". Makes sense to me.

Now, every single channel has some form of debauchery; especially, in the form of reality television. Regardless of its venue, you are able to detect "ratchet". Fights, openly overt sexuality & any other negative display of behavior is paraded in front of the masses as entertainment; and that it can be. I must admit that I am equally enthralled as I am devastated. Like any other mess that is presented in front of you, you can't look away even if you want to.

Many of these shows have a predominantly female cast. Allowing you to observe a plethora of personalities and how they can (or can not) interact amongst themselves or other groups of women. We get a chance to view our very own selves in each woman presented and whether you want to admit it or not, we live for the drama. Yes, baby, the drama. Whether the drama is the fashion, lifestyle, quarrels, disagreements or the like, we live for it. My DVR is testimony and I bet that mines is not the only one.

So, as we are ringing in this new year, I am awaiting the clone colony to follow these ratchet behaviors. It has already begun. This year will take things to a different level. I will try to keep my "inner ratchet" at bay as much as I can but I make no promises. I suggest that you try and do the same. Big emphasis on try.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me - A poem

Little girl...yes, you little girl...open your eyes.
Know that you are more than what's between your thighs.
Know that you are more than just your size.
See beyond the deception and the lies.
It can never be too late to realize
what you are worth in your own eyes.
Or be faced with your own surmise.
Self destruction is where we succeed without tries.
And, boy, how quickly time flies
As you deplete your esteem and swallow the lies
That were fed to you and were sweet like pies.
Yet, a bitter taste will soon arise
Stagnant; regardless of tries.
Creating a hole of magnitude size.
Feeling low with self each continuous buys.
This is where ego and spirit collide.
This is where ego and spirit must divide.
And I don't consider myself any type of guide but
Look in the mirror; that's all I'd advise.