Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Lesson In Humility

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less" -Unknown

It's time to be honest with yourself for once in your life. Can you? Honestly? Then, there are questions that you need to ask yourself:

1. How do you feel about yourself? Be honest. Completely honest. I'm talking about the "you" that only you see and know. The person that you are when no one is around, looking at, or paying attention. That "you". Now, marinate on that question to get to the actual answer.

2. How do you talk about yourself to others? Are you a Debbie Downer, a Negative Nancy, Miss High And Might, a Sickly Sally, or a Wet Blanket? You are very much in control of how you are perceived. How you are perceived is how you are imprinted into the psyche of others. Their impression of you is always based on past actions.

3. How do you represent yourself to the world? Are you a user, an abuser, a complainer, a hustler, a workaholic, a slacker? If someone was to ask those closest to you to describe you; what would be said? Your representation of yourself can become a reality and it can depreciate your self worth. In which, will cause regrets, anger, and fear. These traits have the tendency to stall relationships.

The definition of self worth can be easily misconstrued. Self worth is actually your own feelings about your skills, achievements, status, finances, and/or attributes. Too many people base their self worth on the opinions and achievements of others. This can actually cause depression for you. There are individuals that believe that you can achieve a positive self worth and/or self esteem by acquiring, purchasing, accumulating, or false esteem boosters. This couldn't be farther from the truth. An over-inflated self esteem can actually make you miscalculate your self worth. That's where the honesty and humility come into play. You must accept your own abilities, as well as your limitations. Then, celebrate and embrace them. They are parts of you. The real you. The one people really would want to know. The one you will perceive in high regards and be proud of. That will give you a new sense of confidence and others will view you different; more positively. Healing, growing, maturing, and change will all start from within. You just have to want and achieve it.

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