Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Questions That I Have About Standards

How can you have high standards, when you have nothing?

How can you be too good to catch the city bus but you have no vehicle or refuse to offer others gas fare?

How can you be hungry but too good to eat what is offered to you?

How can you not eat for three days but be too good to go to a community center or church to feed the disadvantaged?

How can you have no food and no finances coming anytime soon but be too good to go to the food bank?

How can you barely live paycheck to paycheck but be too good to apply for food stamps?

How can you have no home or cannot find one within your income level but too good to apply for subsidized housing, Section 8, or any other related program?

How can you move hell and high water to purchase those new kicks every one's dying for but your child (or children) are in a pair of low grade shoes from seasons' past?

How can you make a hair appointments but your child looks like Buckwheat all the time?

How can you have money but let your innocent child go without?

How can you be a five (physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or financially) and think that you deserve a ten?

How can you make astronomically irresponsible car payments but have no home of your own (either rent or own) but refuse to pay rent where you live or choose to live to sofa to sofa?

How can everyday be a party but you have no finances to fund to fun?

How can you waste money on trivialities but refuse to save for a rainy day?

How can you create a problem but expect someone else to worry about or solve it for you?

How can you look your child in the eye but blame another for your quandaries and mismanagement of finances?

How can you live for today when your children and grandchildren will be here tomorrow?

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